
Lise MacTague


Lise is an author of speculative lesbian fiction. She is a gigantic geek and has written space opera, paranormal, and steampunk stories. She was born in Canada, but flitted around the US, living in Ohio, New Jersey, and Wisconsin, before most recently settling in North Carolina with her wife, step kids, and three cats. Lise crams podcasting in around work, family, writing, and building video game props in the garage. Find out more about what she’s up to at





Andi Marquette is a founder, publisher, and editor at Dirt Road Books and an award-winning author of LGBTQ spec fic, romance, and mysteries. When she’s not writing that or fanfic, she’s co-running the popular Women and Words blogsite and fangirling. She also co-hosts the Women and Words podcast in addition to this one and geeks out about a whole slew of things. And when she’s not dong that, she’s probably on the road somewhere, watching the skies. Find her at Women and Words, her website, at Tumblr, Twitter, and Instagram.

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